Our recruitment team has unparalleled experience in helping enterprises, local and state government find talented professionals.
Are you a powerful communicator, or simply a confident presenter? Fine tune your public speaking, messaging, storytelling and presentation mindset skills in readiness for the 2024 Local Government Elections, or your next life chapter.
As a self-confessed ‘local government tragic’, Mark Crawley shares his thoughts on leadership, integrity and accountability, and why self-governance is so critical to building trust.
Why are strategic, project and master plans so important to secure funding?
It's a pleasure to introduce you to our new Board members and provide you with other important updates.
How to manage employees found to have THC in their system is critical to ensure compliance with Health and Safety obligations.
We're bringing you another informative series of masterclasses across Queensland.
Local Government is an interesting and eventful sector and this wholeheartedly applies to our organisation as much as yours.
We'd like to introduce you to the new staff at Peak Services Legal and Workforce and Consulting teams.
We're bringing you another six masterclasses across Queensland in 2023
A series of procurement webinars with Local Buy category managers.
Register to attend Local Buy’s FNQ Regional Procurement Summit at Port Douglas on the 28th of March and co-hosted with Douglas Shire Council.
Our framework provides an easy-to-follow process that enables transparency and accordance with legislative requirements.
With electricity costs on the rise, there are steps we can take now to identify options and transition to renewable sources, ultimately saving money and reducing environmental impact.
Preparing your strategic and priority plans for your best chance at funding success.
Keeping connected and informed