Strategic forward planning for maximised funding opportunities

Ensuring resources are appropriately allocated to deliver and maintain our projects as we plan for 2023-2024.

Strategic forward planning for maximised funding opportunities


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Strategic forward planning for maximised funding opportunities

Written by Zoe Dark, Grant Program Officer Leader - Grant Program Office

The 2022-2023 financial year was a busy year for the Peak Grant Office. The team has grown by three as we welcomed Stephanie Price, Tamara Hallett and Scott Greensill to our team.  

We wrote over 100 grant applications, totalling $35 million and helped our clients and councils map out strategies and plans to pave the way for future projects and successful funding applications.

Our team is proud of the work we have done delivering a wide range of strategies to inform decision making and identify project priorities. From Waste Management to Community Development, the team has delivered powerful, low cost and easy to implement strategies that have directly resulted in funded projects.

The key takeaway for 2023-2024 is clear - strategic forward planning equals maximised funding opportunities!

In addition, in today’s world, responsible spending is essential. Forward planning assists in implementing measures to ensure resources are appropriately allocated to deliver and maintain projects. Peak's Grant and Strategy specialists can help deliver meaningful engagement activities and strategies to support your funding applications and ensure projects will be effective on the ground.

During 2022-2023, we leveraged the skills and expertise of our wider consulting services team to offer a new service that tracks the progress of all funded projects covering funding compliance, reporting and milestone progress. We collaborated with the broader team to draw on skills from some of the best project managers and project assurance specialists to develop this service which keeps funded projects visible, complaint and on task.

Right now, we are focused on the Growing Regions Grant Expressions of Interest applications. These applications are assessed on our ability to provide evidence of need and regional priority, and readiness to construct. Applicants that have projects strategically aligned, prioritised and well planned will likely be the winners.

Looking forward, we are planning for future rounds of Sport and Recreation Infrastructure funding. Our hot tip for this round will be to ensure you have a strategic plan to support your project, including robust evidence of user group and stakeholder consultation ready to go!

Finally, we thank our Councils for the opportunity to be part of your team and share your success. We look forward to another year of sharing and understanding your vision and working towards your goals for your community.

Here’s what our councils are saying about our team.

The team is extremely professional”, Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council

“We are pleased to continue our working relationship with Zoe and Peak Services”, Doomadgee Aboriginal Shore Council.

“Great team to work with, assisted well and also worked hard to manage some of the difficulties and challenges that occurred along the way. Very approachable and willing team that engaged and worked in partnership”, Balonne Shire Council

“The grant writing services provided by Peak Services is working very well for Carpentaria Shire Council since we started over 14 months ago.    As a small rural and remote Council being able to monitor and make application for funding with our own limited resources is challenging. This service fills that gap and then some, we appreciate the support and professionalism of the team assisting Carpentaria”,  Carpentaria Shire Council.

“Fantastic to work with, very professional and made the process much easier”, Laynhapuy Homelands Aboriginal Corporation

Our grants and professional advisory team can help you with a diverse array of grant, strategy and project works, from developing engagement activities to project investment ready checks, right through to corporate publications and documents.


Good luck with your Growing Regions EOIs, and we look forward to continuing to support you over 2023-2024.

Zoe Dark, Grants Program Office Leader

Visit our Grants Directory to keep updated with the latest grant and funding opportunities

If you need assistance developing your Funded Projects Strategy and maturing your projects to a pre-investment stage,  please reach out to our Grants Program Office by emailing Zoe Dark at

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