Our recruitment team has unparalleled experience in helping enterprises, local and state government find talented professionals.
The steps you take today to ensure your council, its resources and personnel are protected from the winds of change will be some of the most prudent you can take. Here’s how to start your journey.
In sport, they say ‘fail to prepare, prepare to fail’ and the same rule applies to communicating effectively. Peak’s media expert has some excellent insights into staying ahead of the messaging game.
Welcome to 2021 and our first ‘News from Peak’ for the year - we are off to a busy start.
There are some new factors at play in shaping the 2021 workforce – but there are some tried and tested rules that are still worth heeding.
Make sure you’re getting the right advice when you have to keep workers on-call across public holidays.
Find out how Peak is leading the pack when it comes to accredited training in climate risk management for local government.
Let Peak be your partner when it comes to the ‘dark arts’ of successful grant writing and grant project management
Our final newsletter for 2020 takes you from Italy’s coastline to Cairns with a stop at Thornlands, and an eye towards Blackwater.
There are significant funding opportunities currently on offer and Peak’s extensive expertise can strengthen your prospects of grant success.
Expect to hear a lot more in coming years about the circular economy; here’s how Peak helped one council get ahead of this curve by doing more with its waste to reduce cost and impacts.
Taking a few simple steps to prepare will help keep your council’s Christmas activities festive for all.
We’re looking forward to having Brian Jackson back home with us at Peak and, as you can see, he and his family have had a 2020 that’s packed with the ‘right’ sort of adventures!
The pandemic has changed the way we do many things, including deliver training. Are you ready for staff development, the 2021 way?
Peak has partnered with Bulloo Shire to tap into a cool innovation that’s making Thargomindah’s hot bore water bearable.
You’ll find Peak people placed in many of Queensland’s 77 councils, and the Peak team stretching across the state to deliver more, so a new regional office makes great sense on both fronts.