Grants currently open to Queensland councils and their communities

Let Peak be your partner when it comes to the ‘dark arts’ of successful grant writing and grant project management.

Grants currently open to Queensland councils and their communities


By Zoe Dark, Principal Advisor and Manager, Grant Office

What’s happening in the council grant space 

The grants space in 2021 continues an “Investment Ready” theme 

Many funders are looking for projects that are supported with robust business cases and viable project plans, in addition to demonstrating community consultation and support. Councils must have well-developed projects and a well-written application to be competitive.   

Many of the councils we work closely with have reviewed their 2021 funding and projects strategies to mature projects to the application-ready stage. These councils will very likely be ahead of the game when it comes to maximising current and forecasted funding opportunities.  

Central Highlands Regional Council kicking goals when it comes to grant funded projectsCentral Highlands recently completed projects with grants partially sourced by Peak Services.

A key part of tapping into funding through grants programs is having projects that are well defined, shovel ready and successfully delivered – this all supports future grant applications.  An example of this are some of the recently completed projects in the Central Highlands (listed below). Not only were these projects delivered using grant funds, a couple of them went on to win prestigious engineering project awards. The team at Peak are proud to have played a small part in these projects, helping council secure funding under BBR 2 and 3.

  • Nogoa River Recreational track – Building Better Regions Fund 3 Infrastructure stream $259,000. Highly commended Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia 2020 Excellence Awards Projects under $1million.
  • Emerald Saleyards expansion and upgrade – Building Better Regions Fund 3 Infrastructure stream $1,110,965 and Building Our Regions R04  $1,009,465.
  • Emerald Airport General Aviation Upgrade – Building Better Regions Fund 2 Infrastructure stream  $1,416,217 and Building Our Regions R04 $1,519,831 (part of the award winning runway upgrade).
  • Emerald Airport Terminal Redevelopment – Building Our Regions R05 $2,140,000.
  • Emerald Airport Runway Upgrade – Building Our Regions R02 $2,242,489. IPWEA 2020 Excellence Award Innovation & Australian Asphalt Pavement Association AAPA 2020 QLD State Industry Awards.

Grant writing for councils and their communities  

Grant writing relies on your ability to demonstrate the benefits of your project, demonstrating that it provides good value for money and that it will achieve the intended outcomes of the funding program. 

In the last couple of years, Peak’s team has assisted Queensland councils to prepare over 60 grant applications and have secured on behalf of Council in excess of more than $50 million in funding, including $10 million for Indigenous councils in less than 12 months.  

Our expertise and experience in grant writing, coupled with our knowledge of infrastructure and communities, allow us to prepare your submission independently, with only minimal supervision and review from Council. 

Major grant funding opportunities exist and will continue across infrastructure and community development targeted at local government. As this is a competitive space, positioning oneself early to take advantage of the opportunities is vital. 

At a community level, the Gambling Community Benefits Fund closes this month, with round six of the Stronger Communities Program winding up next month. Businesses have an opportunity to apply for funds to attend trade business events. These grants and more are listed below:   

Open grants relevant to Queensland councils and their communities 

Funding Opportunities 

Available Funds 

Closing Date

From $5,000 to $80,000

18 Feb 2021 12:00 pm (ACT Local Time) 

From $5,000 to $80,000 

19 Feb 2021 5:00 pm (ACT Local Time) 

Between $12,000 and $200,000 

15 Feb 2021 2:00 pm  

Up to $200 million in matched funding for industry in competitive grants over three years 

22 Feb 2021 5:00 pm (ACT Local Time) 

$2,000 to $200,000, varying across 3 streams 

22 Feb 2021 11:00 pm (ACT Local Time) 

From $10,000 to $150,000 

25 Feb 2021 11:30 pm (ACT Local Time) 

From $500 to $35,000 for not-for-profit community groups 

28 Feb 2021 11:59 pm  

From $20,000 to $10,000,000 

5 Mar 2021 5:00 pm (ACT Local Time) 

From $5,000 to $1,000,000 

5 Mar 2021 5:00 pm (ACT Local Time) 

Up to $34.5 million (GST exclusive) is available for Round 5A. 

5 Mar 2021 5:00 pm (ACT Local Time) 

A one-off grant of $1,500 to $100,000 to eligible businesses 

13 Mar 2021 12:00 am (ACT Local Time) 

Category 1 – Economic and Social Participation Projects: one-off funding of up to $40,000 available. Category 2 – Youth and Community Connection Projects: one-off funding of between $5,000 to $120,000 available. 

15 March 2021 10.00 am 

From $10,000 to $250,000 for eligible business to support trade business event attendance  

30 Mar 2021 5:00 pm (ACT Local Time) 

The grant amount for small capital projects is up to 100% of eligible project costs except for local governing bodies where grant funding will be up to 50% of eligible projects costs. Your grant request must be between $2,500 and $20,000. 

Expressions of Interest due 8 Mar 2021, Applications Close 22 Mar 2021 

Identified projects are jointly funded between the Department of Transport and Main Roads and council, with a maximum of 50% funding from the Department. 

22 Mar 2021 

Peak’s Grant Office Program – package options to suit your needs 

Peak has provided grant writing services to local government for many years. In response to the clear and present need, Peak has established a Grant Project Management Office to offer much needed support to our local government clients. From one-off Grant Writing works, to a full Grant Program Management Service we can tailor our solutions to help you to achieve your goals.   

As an example, our retainer-based service support options ensure that your council’s projects requiring funding are monitored in line with each new grant opening, including grant sourcing and priority access to Peak’s grant writing expertise. 

The Full-Service Support option also offers milestone reporting and acquittal monitoring, final milestone reporting and acquittal requirements, capacity building and staff training, grant and funding support and promote funding opportunities to your community, apart from advocacy and project briefings. 

The Medium Level Support option is an in-between option that covers your council’s grant monitoring, sourcing, reporting and acquittal, whilst having priority access to our grant writing experts. 

If you want to start with Basic Level Support, this option will ensure your priorities for funding are being monitored, and upcoming grants are considered accordingly by our grant writing experts. 

Full-Service Support 

Medium Level Support 

Basic Level Support 

  • Develop and maintain Priority Project List 
  • Grant sourcing 
  • Milestone reporting and acquittal monitoring 
  • Complete milestone reporting and acquittal requirements 
  • Priority access to Peak’s on tap expertise for grant writing, at a discounted rate 
  • Capacity building and staff training 
  • Grant and funding support and promote funding opportunities to your community and not for profit organisations 
  • Advocacy and project briefings 
  • Develop and maintain Priority Project List 
  • Grant sourcing 
  • Reporting and Acquittal Monitoring 
  • Priority access to Peak’s on tap expertise for grant writing 
  • Develop and maintain Priority Project List 
  • Grant sourcing 
  • Priority access to Peak’s on tap expertise for grant writing.   

To learn more about how we can help you secure more grant funding for your council, please contact Senior Advisor - Grant Office Program, Zoe Dark on or 0427 139 988. 

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