Peak Legal and Workforce

Peak’s Legal and Workforce Services team provides expertise in local government employment law, human resources and industrial relations. Our team of employment lawyers are here to provide advice and expertise in relation to your workforce employment concerns.

Peak Legal and Workforce

To assist councils in their dealings with the Industrial Relations Act, the LGAQ established Peak’s Legal and Workforce team to provide members with a trusted and experienced team to help them navigate IR matters, workplace investigations and employment law advice.

For councils, it provides a group of dedicated local government experts who can represent them and safeguard their council when needed.

At a time when the state’s local government sector is under unprecedented public scrutiny, relationships built on trust and accountability are critical.  

Dedicated and attentive practitioners, consultants and paralegals, we are industry leaders with unrivalled experience managing the unique challenges of local government.   

Peak is the only legal practice in Australia that is owned by a local government organisation and can provide support with a wide range of employment law and workplace matters, including: 

  • Collective bargaining  
  • Contracts of employment 
  • Dealing with ill and injured workers  
  • Disciplinary process assistance 
  • General HR and IR support  
  • General protections and discrimination advice 
  • HR/IR policies and procedures  
  • Mediation services 
  • Position description and classification assistance  
  • Representation before the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission 
  • Senior executive performance reviews  
  • Termination and redundancy assistance  
  • Work health and safety 
  • Workers compensation 
  • Workplace bullying 
  • Workplace grievances  
  • Workplace Investigations (bullying, harassment, Crime and Misconduct, employee behaviour, misconduct, fraud, corruption, review of administration active and preliminary assessment of complaints)

Our Team

We are answering more helpdesk queries from councils than ever before, due to the COVID-19 crisis. In response to this increased need and in collaboration with the LGAQ.

Insights and Case Studies

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