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Corrupt behaviour by government officials and employees can destroy public confidence. How the local government handles such matters, can go some way towards restoring public confidence.
Feature writer, Mark Crawley, CEO Carpentaria Shire Council, explains how Council used MIPP funding to undertake Strategic Planning works to expand the tourism industry within the Shire.
How we support young people to actively participate in their community, to achieve their aspirations and feel engaged and connected is crucial now and into the future.
Our cyber security expert explains why it’s important to feel 1. Freaked Out or 2. Empowered when the need arises to identify a cyber security threat.
Are we asking the right questions when it comes to the delivery of services in local government and should we be coming together collaboratively as an industry to find solutions?
Harnessing the power of the sun in one of Australia's towns that receives the longest sunshine hours, provides long term benefits in both environmental and financial sustainability.
Considerable effort goes into planning, but how do we ensure all our plans align and the community understands the journey
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Many councils are busy refining their priority project lists and eagerly waiting for funding announcements from some of the nation’s largest competitive funding rounds.
Creating liveable communities seems like a pretty standard statement. But what does it mean for our remote First Nations communities?
Recognising barriers for small businesses and developing streamlined processes that attract and enable small business operations within the community.
Another circle around the sun and the Butch Lenton Award is open again! This award celebrates the amazing achievements of our remote and regional councils who are constantly doing more with less
What environmental elements to consider when making a submission