Vernetta Patea
About Vernetta
Vernetta Patea has been with Peak Services since 2014 and is one of our Senior staff who works as part of Peak Scan and Peak 247. Vernetta has a wealth of experience working in Customer Service and Call Centre operations.
As part of the Peak Scan team, Vernetta takes part in assisting the team when multiple scanning projects have competing priorities. A regular workday will see Vernetta digitizing council records, prioritizing and assigning scanning work to staff as well as completing audit checks on scanning for end of month review.
Vernetta has an impeccable eye for detail and always strives to achieve the best outcomes for the client as well as the team. In addition to working as part of Peak Scan, Vernetta also works as part of the nightshift team in Peak 247 and is a specialist in working after hours. Vernetta wears multiple hats, ranging from managing after hours calls, onboarding new trainees, call coaching, scripting and being second-in-charge.
The wealth of knowledge and experience Vernetta has contributed to her team has been invaluable. Vernetta is proud to be part of a dynamic team and is looking forward to conquering any new challenges and projects that lies ahead for Peak Services.
Working Hours: Varies between Business and After Hours