Our recruitment team has unparalleled experience in helping enterprises, local and state government find talented professionals.
Considerable effort goes into planning, but how do we ensure all our plans align and the community understands the journey
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Recognising barriers for small businesses and developing streamlined processes that attract and enable small business operations within the community.
Keeping you connected and informed
Another circle around the sun and the Butch Lenton Award is open again! This award celebrates the amazing achievements of our remote and regional councils who are constantly doing more with less
What environmental elements to consider when making a submission
For nine months, our Peak Services Grants Program Office has been working with LHAC to strengthen their funding applications and manage their grants program.
Delivering infrastructure in the Outback by the Sea ® – The importance of funding, partnerships, and professional delivery
Access to safety training wherever it is needed
Managing ill and injured workers can be a difficult scenario for Councils to navigate.
Brent discusses the recent WQAC Assembly, upcoming Masterclasses, an update on Local Buy Nex Gen and the efforts by Peak247 during the recent disaster event.
Processes and planning is crucial to success of any kind, and in today's candidate short market, it's now more important than ever to have a well-planned recruitment process.
After the huge success of the HR Masterclass series last year, we're bringing it back again this year with six sessions across Queensland from May to September.
The Life of a Grant Writer