Our recruitment team has unparalleled experience in helping enterprises, local and state government find talented professionals.
Brent shares a little history on the story behind the Butch Lenton award and the search is on for this year’s $10,000 winner.
Meet 'HR Assist', Peak Services’ newly developed HR platform. Following a successful pilot by Scenic Rim Regional Council, we are excited to announce HR Assist has now gone ‘live’.
…..on your marks, get ready, deliver!
Councils need to be aware that employees have a legal right under the Industrial Relations Act 2016 (the Act) to request a ‘flexible working arrangement’.
Council’s will find it harder than usual to manage capital works budgets in the face of changing revenue streams particularly with impacts of reduced rates or conversely additional funding as the econ
Geographically, Queensland is a massive area and that brings with it its own challenges. What works in South East Queensland, doesn’t necessarily work in the Far North, or the outback.
While Queenslanders and the rest of the world deal with the fall out of COVID-19, it is important that councils continue to provide their usual services but with an eye to the future
A strategic decision should also include seeking out stability, great benefits, and the opportunity to develop yourself. Local government has a lot to offer in this regard.
The QAO recently recommended to a small council that the landfill provision be revisited and resolved as appropriate.
Inundated with industrial relations queries, the LGAQ IR Helpdesk service delivered by our team was more critical than ever in responding to a range of different COVID-19 related queries from councils
The training team at Peak has done just that and very quickly adapted their instructor-led training into Virtual Training sessions using a video conferencing solution
It is also fairly safe to assume that there will be much needed grant stimulus injected into local government infrastructure and community focussed projects in the not too distant future
Should we change tariff for these sites now, based on current low usage?
Supporting Councils with all HR needs!
We are answering more helpdesk queries from councils than ever before, due to the COVID-19 crisis.