Peak Services giving back

Peak Services giving back

Peak Services giving back


As a council, there are many responsibilities – not just the old adage “roads, rates and rubbish”. More and more it is being acknowledged the importance the role council plays in developing strong and prosperous communities. Be it through innovation, economic development, social impact, environmental sustainability, the list goes on……. councils have a big role to play!

As an organisation when we reflect on our purpose, our mission and our values it is important that they are aligned with those of the customers we provide services to. At Peak Services, our customers are in effect the communities of Queensland and we asked ourselves, what is a way that we can help in supporting our councils and communities given our unique position in local government? As a result, over the last twelve months we are extremely proud to be taking a more active role in supporting our Queensland communities, by championing council run events that are providing for the betterment of their communities. Moving forward this is an important part of how Peak Services is acknowledging our role as a socially responsible organisation and giving back to those communities that support us.

Over recent months, this has meant providing sponsorship and support for a variety of council led events. These have included the Julia Creek Dirt n Dust festival, all that more important due to the catastrophic floods that impacted the region earlier this year. Our councils have some wonderful causes raising much needed funds, such as the South Burnett Mayoral Ball providing aid to the nominated charity for this event. The Red Earth Foundation, whose purpose is to strengthen the capacity of individuals and the South Burnett, providing for a South Burnett of the future.

In addition, over the last twelve months we have supported the Whitsunday Mayoral Ball, the Gladstone Mayoral Ball and the Redland City Diner en Rouge, all raising much needed funds for important causes impacting their communities.  We also recognise the need for support to our indigenous communities and provided sponsorship for the Aurukun 40-year celebrations by helping council with much needed funds for their Community Concert and Waterfront Lantern night.

In the pipeline, we have the Cunnamulla Fella in the Shire of Paroo, a community heavily impacted by drought and geographically isolated. This event is one of the single most important for the region in terms of the impact to the economic footprint of the community and bringing people out west. Another event we will be supporting this year is an exciting Innovation Forum being run by Cloncurry Shire Council, this initiative is a first for local government bringing together big business, government and the community to rebuild this community following those devastating floods. 

In recognising our role as a leader in innovation, one of the other initiatives we undertake is the sponsorship of the Butch Lenton Innovation Award, providing a $10,000 bursary to the successful nomination. This, along with our support of sponsoring regional conferences outlines some of the ways that Peak provides ongoing support to Queensland councils.

Our aim is not only to provide funds for these events, but also to get involved. This helps us understand the community, the challenges our communities are facing which are vast and many, the needs of the communities and importantly, what inspires our communities to come together and achieve great outcomes. It is a privilege to participate in these events and overwhelming to see just how much our councils and communities come together to provide for an even greater future.  For information on our community support contact Jessica Jones on

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