3 weeks, 29 councils

3 weeks, 29 councils

3 weeks, 29 councils


By Patricia Paolini

3 Weeks 29 councils news articleAs the Business Development Manager, Training for Peak Services, my role is to engage with the state’s 77 councils to identify and provide solutions for their staff training needs.  The remoteness and distances faced may sound challenging to some, but the joys of visiting some of the most beautiful, quaint and remote places in Queensland only adds to the excitement of the role.  And yes, the occasional country road challenge does present itself but more on this later!

My first trip this year directed me west to Charleville, Quilpie, Thargomindah, Cunnamulla, Inglewood and Warwick where recent rains helped colour the landscape with rich reds and greens.  Being able to spend quality time with our clients is invaluable and crucial to finding out what the true difficulties are for regional training.  With this and with a promise to help grow the western corridors’ training opportunities, the B.O.R.T. (Building Outback Regional Training) group was born. . B.O.R.T. is a one-stop communication channel where group can outline their training needs and match them with those of their neighbouring councils.

Gympie, Fraser Coast, Bundaberg, Gladstone, North Burnett, South Burnett, Cherbourg and Somerset councils made up a second week of council travels. A mix of larger and not-so-large councils provided an interesting mix of training requirements and the call for increased eLearning opportunities continues to grow. The ever-changing landscape of technological opportunities coupled with Gen’s X, Y and Z’s is fast changing the way we engage in learning!

Week 3 and I headed to the beautiful North Queensland, and some of the country’s must-see tourism areas such as Cairns, Port Douglas and Cooktown plus a stunning visit to the Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council. This council is in one of the prettiest places ever seen with glorious untouched beaches surrounded by rainforest and sparkling sunshine.  Training information gleaned from each of these meetings always assist us to better cater for the ever-changing needs of our clients. One interesting fact is that no matter the size and location of our council clients, some of the challenges are the same just bigger or smaller.

And yes, as promised, some challenges besides the red dust that gets into every nook and cranny, insect splattered windscreens and avoiding emus, kangaroos and cattle on those long country roads, do present themselves. This time a flat tyre, luckily in a hotel carpark, and a wrong turn which saw me arrive in the ‘Back ‘O Bourke’ NSW were my only two scrapes. Luckily for me, some generous locals and a good map had me back on track and meeting with my clients promptly and as prescribed! 

Contact Patricia Paolini

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