Peak 24/7 - Your call centre!

Peak 24/7 - Your call centre!

Peak 24/7 - Your call centre!


The Peak 24/7 Out of Hours Call Centre operations primary focus is to deliver continuity of service for our existing clients. Our clients can be reassured that we are taking all the necessary steps to provide ongoing support with as limited disruption as possible.

Like you our customer, we have been reviewing our existing BCP strategies and developing new ones to be best placed to respond to many of the possible scenarios that may occur.  Some of the plans we have put in place include the below:

  • We are well positioned to deal with office, location or other similar infrastructure challenges. 
  • We have access to a wide range of alternative physical locations and transport plans. 
  • We have solutions in place to overcome self-isolation challenges
  • We have renewed our hardware and have backups in place, with mobile capability.

As a result of these initiatives, we can continue to deliver services without being location sensitive.

In addition, our workforce rostering is fluid and able to adapt in response to developing needs. We have access to increased staffing capacity and overtime.  Hygiene practices have been mandated in accordance with government policy and are being adhered to, and key supervisory personnel have been separated and are now operating in physical isolation from each other.   

The reality remains that even with all the preparations that are in place, there may be periods of service level deterioration. We are not alone in this, we will all face the same challenges as our clients, as and when people contract the virus and become unable to work. We appreciate your understanding of these challenges and we encourage our clients to maintain frequent communication throughout these unprecedented times.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss please contact our Managed Services Director, Julian Harris on 0408 987021.

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