Project management of the Julia Creek Civic Centre Refurbishment and additions - McKinlay Shire Council

Peak assisted council by providing comprehensive project services in 2016 on an eagerly anticipated refurbishment to the centre.

Project management of the Julia Creek Civic Centre Refurbishment and additions - McKinlay Shire Council


Julia Creek Civic Centre is a central feature of the community and  home to many vital services for this remote Outback region, supporting the region for many decades since its construction in the 1960s  

Peak assisted council by providing comprehensive project services in 2016 on an eagerly anticipated refurbishment to the centre.  

In advance of project delivery, Peak prepared the project scope and design brief for the centre refurbishment, including interpretive design consultant services. We managed the development of a fully documented set of design drawings, RFQ documents, specifications and commercial terms for procurement of a contractor, via a single-phase request for tender process, to deliver refurbishment works by June 2016. 

Following appointment of a contractor to deliver the project, Peak provided project management and contract administration assistance to ensure the project was delivered in accordance with the contract terms, successfully delivering the scheduled works within project timeframes.

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