Project procurement services for the Eromanga Natural History Museum - Quilpie Shire Council
Eromanga is famous for the significant palaeontological discoveries of Australia’s largest dinosaurs on a property near Eromanga. Several dinosaurs have been unearthed and the bones are now displayed in the Eromanga Natural History Museum (ENHM) located three kilometres from Eromanga.
The museum facility is undergoing a staged development to support tourism infrastructure in the region and to showcase the significant palaeontological discoveries of the Eromanga area.
Peak was awarded a contract to write interpretive briefs for Quilpie Shire Council’s Eromanga Natural History Museum redevelopment.
As part of this assignment, Peak prepared a procurement and evaluation plan detailing the procurement approach and requirements associated with procurement of the interpretive design consultant. Furthermore, Peak has been engaged to provide further procurement and project management support services as agreed (such as tender evaluation services), in completion of the exciting developments proposed to the facility.