Growing Regions Program - Round 1 is OPEN!

Growing Regions Program - NEW $600m PROGRAM open!

Growing Regions Program - Round 1 is OPEN!


New $600 million Growing Regions Program is Open!

Round One offers #300 million in community infrastructure funding

Round 1 of the Growing Regions Program will deliver grants from $500,000 to $15,000,000 over 3 years to deliver community infrastructure projects.
The program is open to all local governments and not-for-profit organisations that meet eligibility requirements, and is targeting projects that will deliver community and economic benefits by investing in community-focused infrastructure which revitalises regions, enhances amenity and liveability, and bolsters social inclusion.

Zoe Dark, Grants Program Office Leader predicts this fund will be highly competitive.

Successful applicants will put forward high priority projects that meet their strategic goals. They will need to demonstrate at the EOI stage that their project is planned, costed and ready to construct by May 2024. Importantly, applicants will need to articulate how their project contributes to achieving socio-economic outcomes for their community and how the project will address regional priorities.

You must first submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) at Stage 1 and if successful, you will be invited to submit a full application at Stage 2. EOIs close 1st August 2023.

Drawing on Peak’s collective knowledge delivering start-to-finish projects and securing significant funding for community infrastructure projects will be invaluable to councils wanting to be successful with this fund. Our team can qualify and quantify economic and social benefits in response to selection criteria, and we have substantial experience compiling supporting evidence and developing project plans to demonstrate project readiness.

Our Grants program office highlights:

  • $3.1 billion in Financial Assistance Grants over the next 12 months.

  • Extension of the Remote Airstrip Upgrade Program

  • Disaster Ready Fund continued, along with new Flood Warning Infrastructure Network Remediation - $236 million over the next 10 years for rain gauges

  • The LRCI Program will not continue from 2026-27

  • A new $200 million Thriving Suburbs Program and a $150 million Urban Precincts and Partnerships Program, alongside the Growing Regions and Regional Precinct Funds

  • $83.2m over four years for a legislated Net Zero Authority to coordinate communities’ transformation to a low carbon economy as well as spending on marine infrastructure in the state’s far north

  • $1.9 billion will be spent on measures to improve the lives and economic opportunities available to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people including,

  • An additional $250 million will be spent improving community safety, services, education and job creation in Central Australia.


Growing Regions Program

Open Grants


If you need assitance with preparing and writing grant submissions, we're here to help. Contact Zoe Dark, Principal Advisor and Manager, Grant Office at

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