A shortlist of current grants applicable for Queensland councils

There are significant funding opportunities currently on offer and Peak’s extensive expertise can strengthen your prospects of grant success.

A shortlist of current grants applicable for Queensland councils


By Zoe Dark, Principal Advisor and Manager, Grant Office, Peak Services 

Grant writing can appear challenging and overwhelming, however grant assessors are not there to trick you or test your intelligence, but to ensure projects will achieve the intended outcomes of the funding program. 

To be competitive you need to demonstrate that your project provides good value for money. With careful planning and the right expertise, you can develop your proposal to highlight how your project provides the best bang for a funding program’s buck! 

shortlist of the key upcoming grant rounds relevant to Queensland councils includes: 

  1. Round five of the Mobile Black Spot Program, from the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications, closes 10 February 2021. This program is an Australian Government initiative to extend and improve mobile phone coverage and competition in regional and remote areas of Australia. Up to $34.5 million (GST exclusive) is available in this round. grants update

  2. The fifth round of the Building Better Regions Fund was recently announced by the Federal Government. The $250 million funding initiative will help councils deliver infrastructure and tourism projects, including $200 million for an additional round of the Building Better Regions Fund and $50 million for a Regional Tourism Recovery initiative, to assist businesses in regions that are reliant on international tourism. 

  3. The Restart Investment to Sustain and Expand (RISE) Fund is investing $75 million in 2020/2021 as part of the Australian Governments Arts and Cultural Development Program. Grants from $75,000 and up to $2 million are available. 

  4. A second round of the Regional Airports Program was recently announced by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications. The Regional Airports Program provides grants to improve the safety and accessibility of airports and aerodromes in regional areas of Australia. There is a total of $58.8 million available for this grant round, with grants from $20 000 and up to $5 million. 

  5. Indigenous Visual Arts Industry Support (IVAIS) Grant Round 2020/21 from the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications was announced on 16 November 2020. The Australian Government will provide up to $21.7 million through the IVAIS grant to help fund operations of around 80 Indigenous-owned art centres, and a number of art fairs, regional hubs and industry service organisations. 

  6. The Tackling Tough Times Together program helps communities access needed resources to support one another through the drought. Open all year round, grants up to $20,000 and $60,000 are available. 

Our team has significant experience in assisting councils with successful grant applications, having worked with them across a diversity of State and Federal Government, as well as private sector, grant programs. 

We work with you to deliver an end-to-end and well-crafted grant application that will optimise your chances of success. 

 Grant approval process

To learn more about how we can help you secure more grant funding for your council, please contact Senior Advisor Zoe Dark on zdark@wearepeak.com.au or 0427 139 988. 


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