David Contarini

Peak Trainer

David Contarini

About David

David Contarini is a dynamic and accomplished facilitator from humble beginnings as a physical education teacher to delivering engaging content in the leadership and health and wellness sectors.

He has been delivering wellness workshops for Peak Services since 2022 and continues to provide useful wellness skills and tools to Queensland council officers, CEOs and Elected Members. David is a professional counsellor and holds a master’s degree in management and Diploma’s in Teaching & Events Management.

As a tried and tested facilitator, David has designed and delivered local government specific wellness workshops which he delviers to councils throughout the state.  

David's passions include both physical and psychological health and fitness, and amongst other qualifications, David holds a Diploma of Counselling with registration through the Australian Counselling Association.

Peak Services welcomed David Contarini as an experienced and focussed senior trainer, specialising in local government professional development and wellness programs.

Core Capability

  • Innovative education designer
  • Passionate facilitation skills
  • Excellent organisational skills
  • Creative influencer
  • Community and health focussed


  • Diploma of Teaching
  • Diploma of Counselling (Registered Counsellor - Australian Counselling Association)
  • AICD - Company Directors Course
  • Diploma of Events Management
  • Masters Degree, Sports Management

In 2025, we are proud to showcase our expert trainers and the programs they deliver. Many of these programs are scheduled publicly or can be delivered in-house at your council venue.

Here are a few programs delivered by David::