Procurement Masterclass Webinar: Part 2. Mastering Procurement Governance

The Building Blocks for Enhancing Local Government Procurement

Procurement Masterclass Webinar: Part 2. Mastering Procurement Governance


A webinar series for local government procurement professionals.

We're excited to bring you a series of dedicated procurement webinars designed to enhance the procurement function of your council.


Part 2 - Mastering Procurement Governance
This Part will explore the important procurement governance topics of:

  • What are the essential components of a procurement governance model
  • Who should procurement report to?
  • What is the ‘right’ Procurement structure and operating model
  • How does probity fit in?


Click the buttons below to register.

Thursday February 13   

The find out further information about the remaining Masterclass webinars please select the buttons below. Or you can find an entire overview of the entire series here

Wednesday March 27     Thursday May 8     Thursday June 26   Thursday August 14    Thursday September 18    Thursday November 27

The Building Blocks for Advancing Local Government Procurement

Date  Masterclass Building Block
Thursday November 28, 2024 Mastering Procurement Strategy, Planning and Performance 1. Strategy, Planning and Performance
Thursday February 13, 2025 Mastering Procurement Governance 2. Governance
Wednesday March 27, 2025 Mastering Probity 2. Governance
Thursday May 8, 2025 Mastering the Organisational Interface 3. Organisational Interface & 4. People
Thursday June 26, 2025 Mastering Sourcing 5. Processes
Thursday August 14, 2025 Mastering Contract and Supplier Relationship Management 5. Processes
Thursday September 18, 2025 Mastering Procure-to-Pay 5. Processes
Thursday November 27, 2025 Mastering Procurement Technology 6. Technology


If you have any queries, Peak Services Peter Morichovitis will be happy to assist.

Peter Morichovitis | Principal Advisor - Procurement Office & Professional Advisory | 0480 221 578 |

Lgpp feb 2025