Grant Information
View Grant WebsiteSupport councils to assess and manage climate risks, this fund can support projects such as:
- Councils undertake preliminary work to identify, map, and understand their climate risks
- Development of a climate risk management strategy, applying the climate risk management framework.
- Build and develop a detailed understanding of risk
- Development of a Climate Action Plan
- Strengthen local governments’ capacity to respond to and manage climate opportunities and risks;
- Delivery of engagement and consultation activities in local communities to inform council climate policies;
- Develop a framework or platform for internal reporting and external disclosures on climate-related risks and activities;
- Deliver a series of community forums to understand challenges and opportunities from local businesses in climate mitigation and adaptation;
- Flood study to assess vulnerable assets with future climate hazards.
- Implement actions for local communities, businesses and industries to be climate-ready with scope 3 emissions reporting
- Support community-wide actions to harness low-carbon economy opportunities;
- Energy efficiency assessments for wastewater treatment facilities.
Eligible Applicants: Councils, Climate Alliances, ROC's